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Checkmate Cancer

'Checkmate Cancer' is a project of the 13-year old Lukas Muth to support the German leukemia research aid for children with cancer. Lukas' initiative is getting more attention from the public, both within the chess world but also outside of it. He also wants to inspire as many people as possible by portraying chess as a cool and exciting mind sport. As part of the GRENKE Chess Classic & Open the participants were able to attend the chess-themed movie "Pawn Sacrifice" at the Filmpalast in Karlsruhe. The entree fee of only €5 included popcorn and a drink. The total income of about €600 goes to the project. You can find all the information about Lukas Muth's initiative on the Facebook page "Setz' Krebs schachmatt". We also interviewed Lukas and his mother. You can watch the videos below.


Text and photos: Eric van Reem
GRENKE Chess YouTube